
How to add an ad?

Go to the Add an ad section and follow the instructions to enter information about your product or service.

The whole process of placing an ad is quite simple and takes a few minutes.

If this is your first time, you must register to add an ad. After registration, you will have access to a personal account where you can edit your ads, chat and answer user questions.

does not charge a fee or commission for posting ads.

If you want to get more results from the placement of ads, in the process of adding, use additional services.

How long is the ad placed?

The ad is placed for 60 days.

After the expiration of the advertisement placement period, you can renew it again using the paid service or adding the advertisement again.

After the expiration of the placement period, your ad is automatically moved to the list of Completed ads in the My ads section and becomes inaccessible to site users.

You can restore an inactive ad at any time using the paid service.

How to renew an ad?

You can use the paid service to extend the placement of ads. It allows you to save time, in addition to this, an extended ad saves its number and remains in user bookmarks, and in users ’Favorites.

Or, you can add for free a new ad with the same content as the expired ad.

How to remove an ad from the site?

You can temporarily remove an active ad from sale by deactivating it in the My ads section. If necessary, you can reactivate it, and it will again be displayed on the site.

Upon deactivation, all paid services are interrupted and not restored upon reactivation.

You also have the option to delete the ad permanently. After deletion, neither the ad owner nor the support service will be able to restore the ad.

How to return an ad?

If the ad has not expired, it can be re-activated for free in the My ads section.

Ads with expired placement can be placed on the site again using the paid service or by adding the advertisement again.